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大多數成功的網路公司, 他們的崛起來自於他們能夠識別獨特的需求並引入突破性的解決方案。越簡單的需求往往越難以滿足。我們相信MagV獨特的串流及沉浸閱讀服務的變革力量,預期它將為讀者、出版業及合作夥伴提供正面、主動和獨特的影響。我們的信念是未來將比現在更加光明。

About Us:

When sparks of innovation ignite imagination, the world spins on the axis of creativity. We don't just ask "Can we?" We affirm with conviction, "We absolutely can!" Each monumental web behemoth began as a modest discovery, a seemingly insignificant need that blossomed into a revolutionary upheaval. Hidden behind the simplest of demands is often the power to rewrite the rules of the game. At MagV, our vision is to awaken this force through our pioneering streaming and immersive reading services, not just for today but for a brighter tomorrow.

VR Games


Mission Statement

  • 綠色環保:我們承諾一個綠色、無紙的閱讀平台,提倡環保的商業實踐。

  • 數字閱讀:我們旨在建立一個元宇宙圖書館,提供無縫的電子閱讀體驗,隨時隨地都可訪問。

  • 開創雙贏:我們將優先提供合法的在線內容給我們的訂閱者並鼓勵閱讀,確保內容創作者和熱衷的讀者都受益。

  • 社會回饋:我們致力於通過提高我們的業務價值和不斷地為社區做出貢獻,特別是在幫助弱勢的人群方面,來產生影響。


  • VR/AR 元宇宙導覽:深入虛擬領域,提供身臨其境的體驗。

  • 2D 轉 3D 內容規劃:將內容視覺化提升到全新的維度。

  • 綠色能源和碳減排:提供節能與環保的產品與服務,以減少我們的碳足跡,守護地球,堅定地承諾支持可持續發展目標(SDGs)以及環境、社會、公司治理(ESG)原則。我們將致力於降低碳排放,支持再生能源,同時使世界變得更好。

Our Mission.

  • Green Initiative: We serenade a greener world, enhancing the quality of your reading life within a paperless digital realm, setting a precedent for environmentally friendly business practices.

  • Digital Reading: In this boundless digital age, we erect a grand Metaverse library, offering a haven for the endlessly curious souls where knowledge is accessible at any moment.

  • Mutual Prosperity:Our platform aligns legality and ethics, where creators and readers converge to weave an ecosystem where profit and pleasure coexist harmoniously.

  • Giving Back: Elevating corporate value as our medium, we progressively reach into the nooks and crannies of society, especially dedicated to uplifting those in disadvantaged positions, sowing seeds of love and care within the community.


Innovative Practices

In anticipation of the all-encompassing digital era, our exploration is relentless. From eco-friendly innovative technologies to the fantastical journeys in the Metaverse, all are commitments to a better world.

  • VR/AR Metaverse Expeditions: We invite you to step into a realm beyond imagination, an immersive journey like no other, transcending the boundaries of what's possible.

  • 2D to 3D Content Evolution: We breathe life into flat narratives and images, constructing a three-dimensional visual feast, elevating the reading experience to a new dimension.

  • Green Energy and Carbon Reduction: Our endeavors significantly diminish our carbon footprint, staunchly committing to sustainable development goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. We're dedicated to lowering emissions, supporting renewable energy, and ultimately, making the world a better place.



MetaV 雲中新視界





Digital Content Provider

VR360 film IP licensing agency

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MZ+ 快訊 iOS 

MagV 快訊  iOS 

BookU 趣看書 iOS 




台灣:台北市內湖區瑞光路335號3樓 宏匯瑞光廣場B棟t.Hub 3F
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